Thursday, August 6, 2009

Companies Overcharge for Shipping

Years ago my best friend gave me a really cool, novel pill holder for my purse that kind-of looked like a gigantic pill, and somewhere along the way I lost it. I was so sad, but gave up looking for it, and just started carrying pills in a tiny little plastic bag.

However about a month ago my plastic bag got a hole in it, and one of my capsules exploded in my purse. I went to pay for something at the store and all this brown dust was everywhere. I had to turn my purse instead out to get it completely clean and that incident sparked my hunt for a new pill holder that was like my old one.

I found it online at The Container Store. I was super excited! Only they wanted to charge me $12 to ship 2, 2" long cylinders to me. I said screw that and went for in-store pickup, as my husband was supposed to be going to SF on business (San Francisco is pretty much the closest store they have to me), but things changed. I had to call the store and see if they would still ship it to me and I just kept my grumbling to a minimum and dealt with it because I really wanted my pill holder.

It comes in the mail. Of course in any oversized box (10X6X5), hence the high shipping fee, which I have encountered more and more lately. In fact a few months ago I ordered some scrapbook brads- a super small item and they came in an even larger box than this one, with an equally high shipping cost. Yet get this: the box from The Container Store didn't even use any packing material. Really? Come on people, are we just being lazy or cheap? I hate companies that either charge too much or only do flat rate. What a rip off! And it's a good thing this wasn't a breakable item or I really would have given them hell when I called to complain.

1 comment:

Olinda said...

I hate, hate, hate, over packaging. What a waste for everyone! You should send them this blog. They deserve it. Bye the way Gluten Free specialty was mentioned on Faces about the new bread. HA!