Friday, March 27, 2009

WOW Cookies

Yesterday I sampled a wheat and gluten free oatmeal, cranberry, and apricot cookie. WOW Baking Company offers cookies, brownies, and tubes of cookie dough, mostly sold in retail locations in Washington, but can also be purchased directly from their website or All of their products are made in a dedicated wheat free, gluten free facility, and pride themselves on using real butter, and not using any hydrogenated oils, refined sugar, or artificial flavoring.

They named their company correctly, because- WOW, that cookie was good! Very moist, just the right amount of flaky. Some cookies are hard discs, but considering the calories involved, which means lots of real butter, it only makes sense that it would be so good. A 2.75 oz cookie has 340 calories. Just one cookie. That's pretty high, so this would certainly be a nice treat, but should not be an every day sweet.