Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend Getaway

Who can pass up free logging, free food, and free drinks in such a beauty surrounding as Mount Shasta? I mean really. Mike and I spent the weekend chilling up in the mountains with some friends. Mostly the days were spent lounging and the evenings were when all the fun hit. We hung out at Mike & Toni's Restaurant and Roxy's for late evening entertainment.

The chef at Mike & Toni's was nice enough to cook the rice pasta I brought in with me, and it so happened that one of the other people at the bar was considering going gluten free as well. You just never know when "gluten" will pop up into conversation.

Walking into Roxy's was a semi shock to both Mike and I who prefer to stay at home and snuggle than hit the club, but it was a nice change of pace. I certainly wouldn't want to or be able to do it every weekend, but would consider it every now and again. Saturday night we saw a live Reggie band and a hip hop band, both of which were quite good. I've always enjoyed live music more than prerecorded, and I know Mike mentioned he wished he was the one up there playing the drums.

It was great hanging out with some friends we don't normally see too often, exploring the bar atmosphere, and expanding my drink order farther away from my safety zone of a midori sour. Chocolate cakes and pomegranate bombs were a great exploratory find. Sadly we had to leave behind the fresh mountain air and great views, but stopping at In 'n Out Burger on the way home tends to soften the blow.

1 comment:

Olinda said...

Wow! I think it's great that they would let you bring your own pasta in. What a deal! I am not a clubber any more...gone are those bonney days of dancing until midnight yore. Now I can barely make into the club with my stick! Glad to hear your getting out and having fun!