Monday, January 24, 2011

One Step, Two Step

Part of our walking coastal journey in Santa Barbara involved a set of stairs that were listed on the Santa Barbara Car Free Walking Tour near Shoreline Beach. Shoreline Beach area is higher up, more of a park with an ocean view, but there are a few areas that you can go down to the beach. Now I was prepared for a serious set of stairs, because the picture to the left shows a straight away down to the ocean that I walked down in La Jolla, CA area. On the left there were 227 stairs and only going straight really screws with your depth perception- and I walked down every single step to the beach. The stairs in SB were nothing in comparison, and in fact were a nice descend (on right). If you're a local or have a smart phone you can determine what time low tide is an have a small cove of beach to yourself or at least only a few folks.

The tide was still pretty high when we were there so no sand for us here, but we played on the rocks and Mike decided it would be cool to wear some seaweed, kelp thing on his head. He can be pretty groovy when he feels like it. We hung around for a while and I inhaled the ocean scent and sounds to achieve an inner peace. I can't find that feeling anywhere or from anything else. We watched some local surfers who were actually standing up with a paddle. Not sure if that has a separate sport name, but if I were to surf I'd want a paddle too. Eventually we moved on to find sandy seascapes, where we could settle for lunch.

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