Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day minus the Turkey

Thanksgiving dinner was out first meal together on our new-to-us kitchen table. The woman we bought the table from painted the table, not stain, or varnish...thus we discovered our dishes stuck a little. It's still a nice table, we'll just need to figure out something.

My husband and I took a nice walk around the neighborhood, and even in the middle of the afternoon it was still really cold. We enjoyed our stroll and the nature around us.

The highlight of dinner was dessert; isn't it always, lol? I was too over worked and busy to make apple pie, so instead we made fried apple rings with vanilla ice cream. Add in some cinnamon sugar, and wow, you have yourself an amazing dish!

And when everything was said and done, and we stepped outside for some fresh, crisp air, we were greeted by our friendly neighborhood cat. She just loves out welcome mat.

So nothing surprising, or over the top happened on my Thanksgiving- I slept, I ate, I cuddled. It was close to perfect.

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