Thursday, July 29, 2010

Diggnation Live: San Diego

About a month ago one of the podcasts that my husband and I watch together was having a special live taping in San Francisco, and we had planned to go. However, it was the one weekend that my husband had a crazy deadline and we didn't get to go. I was bummed. Then, when I found out they were going to be live in San Diego while we were going to be down there, I screeched while sitting on the couch.

Diggnation covered some of the most popular stories that are on The two male hosts sit on a couch, and drink- sometimes tea, more often beer, and lots of it during live tapings. We waited in line for like an hour and a half at the House of Blues, even though we really didn't need to, as everyone got in. $20 bucks later we had our drinks and slowly maneuvered close to the stage. We also got to see Mike Relm, which was cool for about 7 minutes, but he was on for like 45, and we came for diggnation. The show was cool- they usually throw stuff out into the audience from the sponsors...I fought someone for some awesome headphones- I won, and my husband struggled for and won a t-shirt. After we even shook hands with Penn of Penn and Teller. It was fun, although not as crazy as it could have been, since Kevin, one of the hosts, was still getting over an illness, and couldn't drink yet. All in all, a nice evening out.

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