Friday, February 26, 2010

Coconut Water and Aloe Vera Juice

Coconut water and aloe vera juice have multiple benefits, including digestive and weight management, and recently coconut juice was listed as one of the food trends for 2010. Before I knew that coconut juice was going to be a food trend for the year, I had begun exploring the different tastes and textures of coconut juice. I've tried VitaCoco and O.N.E., both which seemed to have a thicker, creamer taste, so it took some getting used to, and then I discovered Taste Nirvana.

Taste Nirvana makes plain coconut water, coconut water with pulp, and coconut water with aloe. The plain coconut water was tasty, smooth like real water, and the pulp bits were fun, but you end up with more pulp than liquid near the bottom of the bottle. The coco-aloe is my favorite! The liquid has a slightly sweet taste with flat bits of aloe. Slightly slimy, slightly chewy; it's fun to drink. For awhile I couldn't find it anywhere, and so one day in the regular grocery store I thought I would see what they had, and ended up buying J1 brand, and it's twice the calories, and is twice as sweet. Now I love sweet things, but J1 is way to sweet, I had to toss it.

Luckily my favorite store is now carrying all three types of Taste Nirvana, and I've stocked up on my coco-aloe. One bottle costs roughly $2.00, and with the benefits of both aloe and coconut, that equals an awesome deal. For now, coconut water and tea has replaced juices and carbonated beverages for me. Expand your horizons; try coconut water or aloe juice; you just might like it.

1 comment:

Olinda said...

I like using it in smoothies.