Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Thermipaq: Not as Effective as They Say

I pretty much always keep my eyes open for a new ice pack product that's flexible for injuries. Awhile back I bought a very basic flexible ice pack to wrap around my knee for about $2.99. It worked well and held the cold for a long time. However, it wasn't exactly the right shape for my face, as I was going to have some oral surgery, and wanted something a little bit more pliable and such for my face. My husband bought me the Thermipaq hot and cold pad, which uses clay technology. It's marketed to hold temperature, both hot and cold, better than a gel, and it comes with it's own cover with a great Velcro strap.

The clay itself is stored in a heavy duty plastic, which you're not supposed to puncture, which to me, seems inevitable. Then it claims to hold it's cold temperature for 1 hour, and it only takes 1 hour to get cold again once put back into the freezer. Well, let me tell you, it does not stay cold for an hour, which in my opinion, is pathetic. The only thing I really like about this product is it's storage pouch with the Velcro, because it's soft, and keeps the cold secure to the needed area. In fact I've been using my $2.99 flexible pack in the Thermipaq storage pouch. So for $10 or so, this product that is supposedly "the most effective pain therapy products on the market today" I give it a D for Don't Buy.

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