Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar

For about the last three or so years I have been drinking 2 Tbsp of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) mixed with 1 Tbsp honey. Why you ask? Well my first reason was because it was supposed to flush out my liver, and all the excess fats in my body, thus reducing cellulite. And I generally documented my progress and was amazed with the results. I am a pretty active person and should not have the amount of cellulite that I had in my college years, and noticed from all the females in my family that cellulite is a problem. So after getting over the gagging issue of drinking Bragg's ACV (kind of like a strong shot of alcohol) it's now just part of my daily routine.

Moreover, ACV really seems to help with blotting, and arthritic inflammation. You really should look into the benefits of Bragg's yourself by reading the FAQ on their site, and then research on some medical sites, (such as WebMD), because there certainly is a lot of information out there. I mean $5 a bottle of Bragg seems like a steal of a deal for all the good benefits it seems to have.

1 comment:

Olinda said...

Well, let me tell you that what you say is very true. All that and more. I too take Braggs and reap the bennies. I only cook with Braggs. It has the best taste and what it does for your body is amazing. I have even used it as a hair rinse. 1 tsp. with a quart of water. It brings out the reds in your hair if its dark and the blonds if its light. It takes off the residue left from shampoos.
Works on windows too. Put a little in a spray bottle with warm water and you have a natural cleaner.

Love this stuff.