Tuesday, December 30, 2008

365 Days

Another 365 days are about to pass and I wonder....where did the year go? Not sure. Unlike the group of you out there that create new year's resolutions that never seem to stick, I have this list of things I want to accomplish before I die, and as the new year approaches I review that list, and make a shorter list specific to the coming year. Looking at it now, I didn't cross off too many of my 2008 goals, but that's alright, as it just didn't seem like there was enough time to do it all. If you don't have something like this I really do urge you to create your own.

As for my new year's plans....I will be celebrating the end of 2008 and the start of 2009 with some of my close friends. Typically New Year's Eve for me includes yummy munchies, a colored drink of some variety, and being at home or a friends' place playing a board game of some variety, ultimately laughing so hard that I end up in tears, and sometimes rolling on the floor. All around, It's always a good time.

For all of you going out, stay safe and don't drink and drive

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Olinda said...

Oh my goodness, I gave up on resolutions in my mid twenties finding that most people did it for the first 3 months and then forgot them because just "living" got in the way. They just didn't have what it takes to commit. So I quietly go..OK, I would like this and that to happen but if it doesn't that means something else better is in store for me. My only plan for this year is to finally secure a car. Mine went out on me in a very untimely manner. Reeked havoc on my Christmas plans and made me scramble on my hands and knees. THAT'S OK, something good is coming my way. So ......Universe.....HURRY UP!