Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Great GF Pizza

I used to go to North Beach Pizza in the bay area every time I was in the area, but three years ago pizza became my most carved item when I switched to the gluten free diet. Just within the last six months I found a place in Oakland that offers gluten free pizza: Pizza Rustica. It cost me $18 for a 12" pizza, but I didn't care; I just wanted the warm delicious taste of cheesy pizza. The pizza was quite satisfactory but I needed to find a way to make good pizza at home.

I happened across a premix of gluten free flour by Tom Sawyer based out of Arizona. They have a recipe for pizza dough on their website and I've made it twice now. The first time I didn't bake it long enough and was still a little doughy, but the second time I baked the crust alone for 5 minutes, then added the toppings and baked for an additional 20, and it turned out delicious! The dough was super sticky so it's a little hard to work with, but the difficulty level is worth it. My non-celiac friends can not tell the difference between my pizza and round table pizza, in fact I think mine is way better.

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