Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Gluten Free Fried Foods Made Easy

Fried foods have a love-hate relationship with the gluten free population. Some places have a dedicated fryer for gluten free items, but most do not. And what do they do to fried foods- bread them; breading that can be poison to those of us who are gluten free. And yet we still crave it: corn dogs, onion rings, fried zucchini, mozzarella sticks. They're pretty much taunting us every time we look at the appetizer section on a menu.

And since we can't have these items out, we're all been on the hunt for the recipe to make fried foods at home. Sure I've figured out a few recipes that work for a specific item, but not all fried foods overall, but I don't need to worry about that anymore, thanks to Choice Batter!

Choice Batter not only tastes great, but seems to be quite versatile, and absorbs 50% less oil than other batters do. Check out our complete review on Episode .... of GFree TV

1 comment:

Traci said...

This looks tasty! You're really making me want to get some!